why did it hurt me so much to call kokichi a friend. Once they leave i turn to kokichi and smile i cant let myself get all deppressed just because my dad that was never there anyway died, i have amazing friends like kokichi. so if you would like you and rantaro could hang out here or something" i knew kokichi could tell they all were in pain he smiles and it seems to light up the room "Thank you kika i hope you guys have fun" kokichi says as kika and my sisters begin to leave kika nods and waves to us. After a few minute kokichi was able to calm yukki down and we walked back inside yukki holding kokichis hand with a small smile kika looks over at us and smiles "ah! Kokichi im so glad your still here! Me and rantaros sisters are going to go get our nails done. Once i told kokichi what happened kokichi pulled me into his hug with yukki turning it into a group hug. Rantaro explains what kika said and i pulled rantaro into the hug. i hug her back trying to calm her down.Ī few minutes later rantaro comes outside and looks at us hugging with a weak smile he walks over to us "whats wrong with her" i whisper worried. yukki and the others begin crying yukki stands up and runs out threw the front door the rest of us to shocked to move "."īefore entering the house yukki runs out and hugs me while crying "yukki?" i say as she continues sobbing loudly hugging me tightly. passed in a plane crash." kika says between her sobs. but why is everyone sad?" yukki says also not knowing whats happening kika begins to sob as me and yukki sit there confused "are you okay kika?!" yukki says concerned "y-your f-father.h-has. My sisters and kika look down at they're food ".kika?" i ask again wanting to get an answer kika sighs and looks up "Your father went on a business trip yesterday." she begins "yeah? why is that sad? its just for a little bit right?" i say kika sighs again and smiles weakly "i love you all dearly and i consider you all as my own children and just so you know i will be with you no matter what." she says we all look up at her and nod "we all know that kika! we really appreciate you. I wait for kokichi to come back inside eating and talking to kika and my sisters. some sad stuff will be in this chapter but i will make up for it in the next chapter which should be wholesome and cute unless i have a different idea or you guys give me a good idea :) OKAY ENOUGH WITH MY RAMBLEING AND ON TO THE STORY)

I think im going to edit the last chapter to kinda i dont know make sense with this one? i dunno i havent decided yet the rest of the chapter will also be after he came in and all. ANYHOOOO ENJOY THE STORY!!! btw this is what was happening before kokichi came back in but it is kinda important to the story so please don't skip this. (i love this story so much but i dunno wht else to do with it ahhhhh.