#Brothers in arms earned in blood cg commercial verification
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This is a wondeful, tactical, thoughtful jet-engine of a title, and I can't recommend it highly enough. Last night I finished a long and hard fought battle, winning with only myself and a smidgen of energy, exhausted but victorious. Gun battles can rage for ages as both sides shift around and try and gain the upper-hand. They'll move back, shift position, retreat or even charge, and that's damn scary when it happens. NOW those pesky Germans just won't sit still long enough to let you pull of thoughtless flanking. At first it was kind of fun, but eventually the whole Four-F thing became very samey and what originally seemd to be tactical play revealed itself to be nothing of the sort. With the first one it always felt like I was just moving on until I found a load of Germans, then we took them out and moved on. HOWEVER, the all new reactive enemy AI turned what I thought was a dull, tedious original into an epic and exciting sequel.
Yep, graphics similar, yep storyline similar and, yep, basic gameplay mechanics identical. Forget all those killjoys who reckon this isn't different enough to BiA1- this is VERY different.